What is TabMove?

What is TabMove?

TabMove is Biztory’s solution to enable Tableau customers to seamlessly move from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud. While this is technically the same “platform”, the transition can be a challenge if one isn’t well-prepared, and moving a large amount of content can prove cumbersome.

Not with TabMove!


The name TabMove refers to both the migration service offered by Biztory, and the core toolset used to automate the migration. For traditional migrations of any scale, we typically come in to help you from start to finish, and we use these very tools to do the heavy lifting.

TabMove Lite

For Tableau Server environments that are small enough, we offer access to that same core toolset in a self-service fashion, packaged in what we call TabMove Lite. That package includes an easy-to-use interface to these automation tools as well as guidance to migrate successfully, step by step.

See it in action for yourself:

TabMove Lite Demo.mp4

Ready to find out more? Start with reviewing the eligibility criteria for TabMove Lite.

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TabMove is a product developed by Biztory.