Migration Project

Migration Project

The migration to Tableau Cloud is an elaborate project in itself. While TabMove Lite will take care of the heavy lifting and perform the copy of your Tableau environment for you, you’ll still want to carefully plan when and how that copying process will take place.

Typically, we would recommend and approach that looks more or less like this:

08-Jul202415-Jul22-Jul29-Jul05-Aug12-Aug19-Aug26-Aug02-SepCutover & Communicatio…Communication #1Communication #3Communication #5Communication #2
TabMove Lite

Test Migration

Final Migration

Feedback period


A few take aways from this example:

  • There is plenty of communication happening before, during, and after the migration.

  • TabMove is used to copy the content (at least) twice: once during a test migration, and then once again during the “final migration”. Note that the copying of the content is unlikely to take a full week like the example suggests, but rather a few hours. Nonetheless, planning enough time to experiment with TabMove and perform a few tests may be a good idea.

  • After the content has been copied during the first test migration, a feedback period for Creators is organized. They are invited to actively access and review their content that was copied to Tableau Cloud, and provide feedback. Tweaks and fixes can be applied as lessons learned in preparation of the final migration.

  • The final migration is planned well ahead of time and will serve as the cutover after which Tableau Server is no longer accessed. The results of this final copy with TabMove are predictable thanks to previous iterative testing.

  • The decommissioning of Tableau Server is planned in the future, as a further incentive to fully transition operations to Tableau Cloud. Accesses for Viewers, Explorers and Creators who aren’t administrators can be taken away soon after the final migration.

Of course, the actual durations of these phases may vary based on company processes, requirements and other circumstances.

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TabMove is a product developed by Biztory.